Sunday, September 12, 2010

Diet & The Yo Yo

For years, the yo-yo has proven itself a bothersome companion we as women can not shake despite all of our efforts. It is relentless as it teasingly takes pounds away one month and adds the little buggers back on the next.

The yo-yo haunts us all. Even though we may diligently count calories, follow portion control, cut back on carbs and eat boring rabbit food, the pounds still tend to attract to us like a magnet which, an attraction we all can do without. It's even harder when one is petite, in the midst of menopause or over 50.

We all receive those advertisements that promise loosing up to 11 pounds in 14 days eating such treats as cream-filled chocolate cake puffs or bacon & cheddar baked potato skins. Tempting? Oh yah! And then, there are those commercials claiming to remove unsightly deposits from the butt, hips and thigh area with a painless and seemingly inexpensive laser treatment. I won’t be taking them up on that offer any time soon, thank you very much.

Like the Energizer Bunny, companies continually target women who lack the will power and self-esteem to fight those demons alone. Women are targeted because sales figures taint us as vain, gullible or weak. Women falter for soulful reasons because they are beaten down caring for aged parents or a sick loved one, recuperating from a broken heart or contending with domestic violence, dealing with daily stress on the job or being over worked and under paid, PMS speaks for itself and pulled like taffy in all directions tending to a household, husband and children. That is the truth plain and simple. We appease ourselves by consuming what’s not good because of the satisfying quick fix it offers.

How do we stop the torture and truly become healthy? Let’s be honest. Yes, counting calories, portion control and cutting back carbs will help but, it is a simple eight letter word that will get us there even faster and that is called e x e r c i s e. It does not matter if you jump rope for 20 minutes; go on a power walk in the morning before your day begins or in the evening after dinner. It does not matter if you peddle a bicycle around the neighborhood a minimum of three times a week or go for a swim at your local “Y”. Over time with patience and persistence you will extricate that yo-yo from your lives forever. Making a commitment to free up just 20 minutes three times a week will go a long way. You will not only burn off calories and tone your body in the process but, immediately detox the stress from your life which can cause even greater harm in the long run. So ladies, no excuse … start today and stop the torture by taking back the control in your lives.


Unknown said...

Hi there..coming through from The MBC!! I'm your newest follower:)

Johanna said...

Following you from MMC, follow back at
Love your blog idea..nice!

Pink Media Studio said...

Hopping over to follow you! Come follow me at

Pink Media Studio said...

Hi, just hopping over to follow you from Simply Follow, come follow me at

Dede said...

Following you from MBC too:) Love your blog and the look:)

I agree... we must MOVE. We have become such a lazy society. Twenty minutes 3 times per week will really help as well as portion control!!

MFEO2009 said...

i just got back from a 20 minute bike ride around the neighborhood! it's hard to stay on track, but i try! :) i look forward to reading more.

please check my page out as well.

Heather Jones said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my MBC profile. I think I missed it the last couple days, so sorry its taken awhile to get back to you.

I'm following you on GFC, would love for you stop by my blog and follow if you haven't.

Heather from Mommy Only Has Two Hands!

Jinnia said...

What a cute website! Love those shoes on your sidebar. I'm your newest follower from MBC Simply Follow. Come visit me at

Have a great day!

Cindy said...

gonna hit my treadmill tonight! thanks for that!!

I'm your newest follower from MBC
Please stop by my site and visit :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Veronica Lee said...

Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.
Have a nice day!

Mia said...

Hi! I'm new to this site, but a friend of mine told me about it. I would definitely qualify as petite...I'm a small 4'11. ^^ have a hard time finding clothes and shoes thatfit me and its really difficult to excercise my abs...