This dilemma strikes individuals nearly every time a purchase needs to be made so, consider yourself in great company. Many women find themselves standing before a store counter mirror trying on one pair after another until they just give up.
Sadly, a large number will mindlessly stockpile pairs the same way they do lipstick tubes and makeup compacts. Think of the money you can save if you only knew how to analyze your facial shape and match it up with the right style to enhance your overall look.
First, lets determine how to do that. Stand before a mirror and pull your hair back off your forehead and away from your face. Use the diagram below to determine which facial shape comes close to resembling your own.
ROUND - No round frames for you. You need to minimize the fullness with angular frames such as rectangle/octagon which will create an illusion that thins your face. Use classic patterns and darker colors. However, make sure most of the color is on the upper rim or temple area.
SQUARE - Oval and round shapes will soften your hard angles. No square and angular shapes, however. Glasses that frame out beyond your face and wrap around to your ears will look best on you if, you have a very strong square jawline.
HEART - Stay away from super-sized lenses, high sides, wide tops and large heavy rims. You are a great candidate for a classic pair of aviators.
OVAL/OBLONG/LONG - The sky is the limit! If you're petite, stick to rimless, delicate frames. Otherwise, you can sport just about anything from bold styles to impressive shapes.